Florence, the city of hidden gardens. Artistic, centuries-old, and beautiful.
They are hidden behind high walls, wrought iron gates, and provide refreshment to the millions of Florentines and tourists who decide to take a moment of rest.
While many gardens are accessible, some are developed in height to stand out over Florence.
Here we mention two of the most beautiful gardens in Florence that, despite the barriers, have equipped themselves to make the enjoyment possible for all visitors.
Giardino di Boboli
The first Italian-style garden, which served as an example for many European courts. It was created by the architect Niccolò Tribolo on commission from the Medici family.
Giardino dei Semplici
One of the oldest botanical gardens in the world, created in 1545 by order of Cosimo I de' Medici. Originally dedicated to the cultivation of medicinal plants called "Simple Plants".
Giardino di Boboli
There are two accessible entrances: one on the left side of the courtyard of Piazza Pitti and one from Piazzale di Porta Romana.
Visiting is recommended with an assistant as the path is on dirt and gravel and has ups and downs.
The museum is equipped with accessible restrooms.
Giardino dei Semplici
The accessible entrance is through the ticket office.
The garden is accessible via a ramp. The internal path is on gravel.
The museum is equipped with accessible restrooms.